ArtsXpeditions and Wagonstage Come Together for Bee Betrayal
Alex Bonyun, Jul 18, 2022
It’s time to get out in the sun and enjoy live performing arts in the great outdoors because ArtsXpeditions is back! Entering its third season of popping up in neighbourhoods all over Calgary, ArtsXpeditions has shared music and dance, but this is the first year that it will be sharing live theatre performances.
Working in collaboration with Wagonstage, ArtsXpeditions brings Bee Betrayal to parks and schoolyards in all four quadrants of Calgary. The 20 min piece is penned by renowned local playwright Clem Martini and aims to educate young audiences about pollinators. The play will be accompanied by arts and crafts, a Q&A with the actors, and several takeaway activities that kids will be able to do in their own backyards to learn more about our pollinating neighbours.
“I’ve always loved bees, but also animals. Many of my plays touch on that subject matter,” says Martini whose portfolio includes The Secret Life of the Octopus performed by Quest Theatre and The Life History of the African Elephant at Lunchbox Theatre. “I’m interested in the connections that people have with the rest of the natural world. The notion that we live alongside and with important partners – animals – and it crops up in a lot of the work that I do.”
Celebrating its 50th anniversary this season, Wagonstage is no newbie introducing young audiences to the performing arts. Over the years they’ve seen many incarnations, from performing out of the back of a truck, to touring all of Southern Alberta with engaging, youth-oriented performances. Their collaboration with Arts Commons Presents’ summer series, ArtsXpeditions, means that Bee Betrayal can reach more communities, and inspire more young people.
“It’s one of the few places where kids can really interact with the actors,” says Martini, pointing out that while there are ways for children to experience live theatre, ArtsXpeditions and Wagonstage provide the opportunity for kids to come right up and ask their questions to the actors, face to face. “If people are looking for something they can do with their children, it’s both entertaining and provides an activity at the end that people can take home with them. That’s pretty marvelous.”
For a full line up of ArtsXpeditions and where you can catch them popping up next, visit artscommons.ca/artsx.

Alex Bonyun
Alex Bonyun is Communications Manager for Arts Commons. Her interests range from writing about the arts, to photography, and painting tiny things. She’s even authored a kids’ book for imaginative early readers. Her philosophy is that everyone has a story worth sharing.