Throughout the month of March, students of all ages were hard at work making some rather large creations. The whales, one bowhead and two orcas, and two polar bears, not only helped them learn about ocean ecosystems but also gave the opportunity for them to get messy creating something truly unique. Each whale was constructed from recycled materials with the Bowhead whale construction led by Dean Bareham, artist director of Green Fools Theatre.
Once a rough skeleton was constructed, the students packed it with paper to round out its shape. A combination between found object and paper mâché were used to create the skin of the whales which was then painted.
The finished whales and bears will be displayed at both National Geographic Live Film in Concert: Secrets of the Whales and the National Geographic Live presentation of Kiliii Yuyan: Life on Thin Ice in the Jack Singer Concert Hall Lobby at Arts Commons.

Alex Bonyun
Alex Bonyun is Communications Manager for Arts Commons. Her interests range from writing about the arts, to photography, and painting tiny things. She’s even authored a kids’ book for imaginative early readers. Her philosophy is that everyone has a story worth sharing.