Six Things You Didn’t Know About Classic Albums Live’s Performance of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
Alex Bonyun, Mar 17, 2022
Universally recognized as one of the most difficult albums ever recorded to perform live, Arts Commons Presents is thrilled to welcome Classic Albums Live back with The Beatles: Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.
You may think that you know this album back and front, but these facts might just surprise you!
1. The songs are literally about everything
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds is well-known for being suspected to be about LSD, though John Lennon insisted that it was inspired by a drawing by his son. Lovely Rita was inspired by a parking ticket Paul McCartney once received and Good Morning Good Morning came to John Lennon while eating Kellogg’s Corn Flakes!
2. There will be a sitar player!
Classic Albums Live goes to huge lengths to authentically reproduce the sound of the original album in a live performance setting. Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band is particularly challenging as The Beatles created the album with the intention of never performing it on stage.
3. Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band is 55 years old!
When it premiered the album changed music forever, bridging the gap between popular music and high art. From the album art to the production and song writing, it was lauded by critics and fans alike and over 50 years later it still stands tall. As Craig Martin says, “For many of us, we don’t know a world without it.”
4. Karlheinz Stockhausen is one of the faces in the crowd on the cover
Many people likely haven’t heard of Karlheinz, but he was controversial composer known for his groundbreaking work with electronic music. By including him on the cover of the album, The Beatles were calling out a famous figure who directly influenced their musical ideas in Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. The incredibly iconic cover was designed by Peter Blake and photographed by Michael Cooper.
5. It was originally going to have a slightly different name
The Beatles originally had named the album Dr. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band after the popular drink, Dr. Pepper, but when it was pointed out that this would likely result in a lawsuit, they tweaked the title ever so slightly.
6. This is not Classic Albums Live’s first time, nor will it be their last
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band is one of Classic Albums Live’s most popular performances. Craig Martin says, “Every detail of the album will be performed with precision and grace, from the sitars and orchestra to the guitars and kazoos, Classic Albums Live will deliver a performance that brings 50 years of Beatles’ excellence to thousands of people who grew up alongside the Sgt. Pepper masterpiece.”
Arts Commons Presents and Classic Albums Live bring this iconic album to life at the Jack Singer Concert Hall on Saturday, April 16. To get your tickets, visit artscommons.ca/sgtpepper.

Alex Bonyun
Alex Bonyun is Communications Manager for Arts Commons. Her interests range from writing about the arts, to photography, and painting tiny things. She’s even authored a kids’ book for imaginative early readers. Her philosophy is that everyone has a story worth sharing.