Over two days, 1450 teachers flooded the halls of Arts Commons, engaged in building their toolboxes for arts-based learning as part of Calgary City Teachers' Convention. The convention was topped off with a keynote from education's leading luminary, Dr. Chris Emdin, inviting not only teachers, but artists, and members of the creative community to be inspired.
The very next week, we enjoyed the company of the Palliser District Teachers’ Convention attendees, snapping photos and chatting about how the arts has impacted your teaching. Thank you for stopping by to say hi and play with us.
And did we mention the workshops? Filling every venue in Arts Commons, 14 teaching artists inspired us all with art, dance, music, and stage craft. A wealth of learning opportunities brought wonder and imagination to new heights. Teaching took on a whole new meaning, whether we were singing together in the Jack Singer Rehearsal Hall with Jennifer Buchanan, or forging a deeper understanding of self healing in the Arts Learning Centre with Chantal Chagnon.
The convention was a powerfully transformative experience for so many teaching artists, and we truly look forward to the impact these educators will have on their students moving forward. A deep passion for knowledge sharing was evident in every workshop hosted at Arts Commons, and there’s no doubt the students of tomorrow will be better off for it!
“Art is a deep knowledge - not just a product.”
Thank you teachers! You inspire us!
Be a part of the conversation! Follow @yycartsed and share your teaching moments with us!

Alex Bonyun
Alex Bonyun is Communications Manager for Arts Commons. Her interests range from writing about the arts, to photography, and painting tiny things. She’s even authored a kids’ book for imaginative early readers. Her philosophy is that everyone has a story worth sharing.