This past November, if you had ventured into the Engineered Air Theatre, tucked away in the lower levels of Arts Commons, you would have encountered something special. Wakefield Brewster Presents, Pt. 1, led by Calgary’s Poet Laureate, ignited artistic collaboration on the stage of the underground Engineered Air Theatre. Charging some of Calgary’s most exciting interdisciplinary artists to re-imagine what they do together wasn't easy, and audiences loved it! Patrons walked away from this first presentation of the TD Amplify season saying that “the show was beyond expectations” and featured an “outstanding selection of new artists” even going as far to say that they’d “love to see more creations like this in Calgary.”
The TD Amplify series provides a stage for the members of the artist development program, TD Incubator, to experiment, collaborate, and create under the guidance of one of Calgary’s most respected poets and performers. Behind-the-scenes, these artists engage in professional development sessions, networking opportunities, and mentoring - what you see on stage is, in many ways, the culmination of that work.
You might be asking yourself, why part one? The November performance was the first of four, each showcasing a different group of interdisciplinary artists. Next up is Wakefield Brewster Presents, Pt. 2, which features dancer M’Kayla Kongnetiman, musician A.N., spoken word artist Okechukwu Nnamchi, and Hip-Hop artist Dizzy Walka. And you’re in luck, because tickets are available now!

Alex Bonyun
Alex Bonyun is Communications Manager for Arts Commons. Her interests range from writing about the arts, to photography, and painting tiny things. She’s even authored a kids’ book for imaginative early readers. Her philosophy is that everyone has a story worth sharing.