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Jamie Dunsdon


Artist Bio

Jamie Dunsdon is an active director, playwright, performer, and arts instructor as well as the current Artistic Producer of Calgary Young People's Theatre.

Selected Credits

The Woman in Black, Misery, Deathtrap (Vertigo Theatre); Admissions (Theatre Calgary); The Tempest (The Shakespeare Company); Clue (Keyano Theatre); Paradise Lost (University of Lethbridge); The Wolves (Verb/CYPT co-production); A More Sparkling Version of Ourselves, Blackbird, Sextet, Lungs, The Dandelion Project, NOISE, Marg Szkaluba: Pissy’s Wife, Jim Forgetting, John and Beatrice, The Shape of a Girl (Verb Theatre); Dear Santa, The Inner Workings of a Concert Flute, Much Ado About Nothing, FOMO or What Shakespeare Did During the Plague, The Nutcracker, Unity 1918, Macbeth, Village of Idiots, Richard III, The Lost Prince, A Little Princess (Calgary Young People’s Theatre); Bliss: The Birthday Party Play (Verb Theatre/OYR); Productions in the Calgary International Children’s Festival and in The High Performance Rodeo. 

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