Our Venues
Max Bell Theatre
Home to Theatre Calgary, one of Calgary’s foremost theatre companies, the Max Bell Theatre features wrap-around seating on three levels that puts every attendee no more than 60 feet (20 m) from the action on stage, affording all audience members a great view. Its technical and aesthetic appointments put it at the top of industry standards for theatres in Canada – or anywhere. The 78-foot (24 m) high flytower, is the highest in Western Canada and the stage is directly connected to the production workshop, where the sets are constructed. Its sprung floor also makes the Max Bell Theatre a popular venue for dance shows.
Ideal for: Theatre, dance, recitals
Capacity: 775 – theatre-style
Accessibility: Theatre seating includes
wheelchair accessible seats
Included: Fully customizable lighting and A/V options
Venue Maps:
Seating Plan (PDF)