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The Yin has a Yang, light has darkness, what comes up must come down, a brother if lucky has a sister to share and grow up with. I’ve been blessed with both a younger brother and an older sister, making me a middle child. Born on September 27th, I am a Libra, which if you believe in the power of the stars, represents balance and equilibrium. I spent my childhood in beautiful, tropical, but troublesome Venezuela, my adolescent years in the bizarre kingdom of Saudi Arabia – during which September 11th happened – and my adult years in a much calmer and more balanced Canada! As wild of a rollercoaster as my life has been up to now, I feel as if my brain has been separated more than my two front teeth are! You will see throughout this exhibition, that there is a lot of duality and multidimensionality screaming from the pieces I create.


Carlos Roche is his name, and Trako is his nickname. Although Roche wanted to, he never took art as an elective throughout high school as he preferred woodworking instead. After completing his education in advertising, Roche decided to pursue an artistic path and went to Sheridan College for a 3-year visual arts program, graduating in 2015 with honours. He is proud to say he won first place for the Sculpture Award of Excellence within his graduating class!

DIVERSITY is the name of his creations, as well as his persona. As a Venezuelan-born Canadian artist, Roche has had the opportunity to live in different places. Immersing in their cultures has opened his mind to different ways of thinking, ultimately broadening his empathy and adding colour to his mind. It is no different inside of his skills toolbox. Woodworking, photography, painting and sculpting are his proudest talents amongst all the disciplines that he brings to the table… or in this case, the wall!

Instagram: @CarlosRocheTrako