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Yuli Carvajal Pereira



I am a visual artist, who is very proud of my Latin roots. Since I moved to Canada, a feeling of joy and sadness took hold of me, and my dreams of emigrating to another country began to be possible. This is when my face began to get wet due to a great shower of emotions because a tear says more than a thousand words, and that's when I start playing with color and anatomically drawing certain parts of the human body to find what's under the skin; those feelings and memories of lost between yearnings for a better life.

However, bittersweet; sadness, knowing that I must leave my home, knowing that I will leave everything, to start over as an emigrant. Sadness to leave the joy and love of my family to seek happiness elsewhere. For every tear of joy, there will be onemore of sadness, but strength transcends the thought of a better tomorrow. And to know that, although a tree has its roots firmly in its land, its seeds fly far to seek new fertile lands which must be watered.

This exhibition examines and shows different states in which the human being discovers over time. He wants to remember that despite the fact that the cycle of life repeats itself and is the same in everyone; The experiences, the feelings of each being experience are lived intensely in different ways, and as a woman, the feeling of all these experiences reminds me that we are unstoppable and we can achieve anything.


Yuli Carvajal Pereira (She/her) was born in Salazar, Colombia. She is a self-taught artist who immigrated to Calgary in 2018. She considers herself a passionate and dedicated woman whose art brings color and relaxation to her life. She likes to challenge herself by testing different mediums, mixed-media, realism, and sculpture.

In her artistic practice, Yuli applies her engineering skills to drawing, painting, and sculpting techniques. Her color palette is ample and daring, while complemented by using bold shapes that result in cheeky and imaginative creations. She incorporates poetry into her process, in which she often creates her own unique tools and techniques.

Yuli has already been included in several exhibitions in the city where she grew up in Cúcuta, Colombia. Her work has been exhibited at the Museum of Memory, in Colombia. In 2017 she received an award at the XI Salón del Agua, Colombia. Since she began living in Calgary, she used her artistic skills and her fascination with color to participate in exhibitions such as Expo Latino, Cold Garden, and others. Yuli has been connected to SpanicArts on various levels since 2019. Her involvement has included exhibiting artists and she volunteered as an administrator for two years. Nowadays, she is involved with the Latin community through her artistic practices. Yuli currently lives in Calgary and never leaves her creative spirit behind the scenes.

Instagram: @serendipiadearte