Christina Yao

We want to be seen; we have the urge to connect, yet we worry about exposing our true selves. Our relationship with ourselves affects our relationship with others. Sometimes, we seek outward acceptance but do not take the time to look inward. Perhaps we have a hard time truly accepting and understanding ourselves. Exploring and reflecting on moments of self-doubt takes courage. Giving permission to ourselves to be vulnerable and authentic makes us and our relationships stronger.
I’m drawn to explore human relationships within my work because they are complex, dynamic, and often unpredictable. I photograph friends of varying nationalities and sexual orientations, often inspired by their personal stories and life interests. I’m fascinated by what the camera can see and what my subjects want to reveal.
"Near or Far" is an ongoing series of images that involves a constant negotiation of power, trust, intimacy, and communication.
Instagram: @cristinadass