A zany, wholesome, hilarious musical revue presented by the Little Sisters of Hoboken, Nunsense is a hilarious spoof about the misadventures of five nuns trying to manage a fundraiser. Sadly, the rest of the sisterhood died from botulism after eating vichyssoise prepared by Sister Julia Child of God. Thus, the remaining nuns – ballet-loving Sister Leo, street-wise Sister Robert Anne, befuddled Sister Mary Amnesia, the Mother Superior Sister Regina, and mistress of the novices Sister Mary Hubert – stage a talent show in order to raise the money to bury their dearly departed. With catchy songs and irreverent comedy, Nunsense is sure to keep audiences rolling with laughter.
Performance Schedule
Hoboken Cast
Friday Sept 13 7:30 PM
Sunday Sept 15 2:00 PM
Wednesday Sept 18 7:30 PM
Friday Sept 20 7:30 PM
Saturday Sept 21 7:30 PM
Tuesday Sept 24 7:30 PM
Thursday Sept 26 7:30 PM
Saturday Sept 28 2:00 PM
Mt. St. Helen's Cast
Saturday Sept 14 7:30 PM
Tuesday Sept 17 7:30 PM
Thursday Sept 19 7:30 PM
Saturday Sept 21 2:00 PM
Sunday Sept 22 2:00 PM
Wednesday Sept 25 7:30 PM
Friday Sept 27 7:30 PM
Saturday Sept 28 7:30 PM