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Handsome Alice Theatre

Our Fathers, Sons, Lovers and Little Brothers

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Handsome Alice and Verb Theatre present a Tarragon production, in association with Black Theatre Workshop, based on the current original production.

Slimm, a seventeen-year-old Black boy in a hoodie, suddenly finds himself in the first moments of his afterlife. He calls out for God. God does not respond. What happens next is a sacred journey through the unknown, as Slimm grapples with the truth of the life he lived and the death he didn’t choose.

Our Fathers, Sons, Lovers and Little Brothers is a protest for all Black life beyond headlines and hashtags, a prayer for all families left behind, and a promise to the community that all Black lives matter.

Creative Team: Written and Performed by Makambe K Simamba, Director - Donna-Michelle St. Bernard, Set and Video Design - Trevor Schwellnus, Lighting Design - Andrea Lundy, Sound Design - Diana Reyes, Original Music Composition - Maddie Bautista, Stage Manager - Sandi Becker, Touring Technical Director - Amber Hood, Artistic Consultant - Daniel Jelani Ellis"